Today we had the opportunity to share with the group what we had done so far. I'd got down most of what I thought I wanted to include, yet hadn't fully edited it to the standard I would be happy with, and so was quite apprehensive to show other people as it was still very much work in progress. I was also wary because I don't feel completely happy with the level of my footage and was concerned this might reduce the quality of the film. It was beneficial having outsider points of views as I know all about the context of my film, and understand what is going on naturally because I filmed it all, however I needed to know if this narrative was clear to an outside audience, or whether more information was needed in order for the film to have an impact.
I wanted to know specifically if they thought it was okay using footage that wasn't technically great; whether external footage would be beneficial to enhance my video or give it more context; if the music I'd used detracted from the feel of the film; and whether it was boring - I think this naturally came from my head after knowing my footage so well and having watched it so many times I maybe don't listen to the messages given across quite so much. Having feedback made me feel a lot more on track and reassured, and was the most beneficial seminar yet in terms of having constructive criticism and hearing different viewpoints. Seeing other people's work was great too, to see so many different ideas and takes on the project.